Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Symptoms: Can't sleep, loss of appetite, angry stomach

**I've had this saved as a draft since Wednesday October 27th. I didn't want to write anything that might jeopardize my chance for the job, so now that the decision has been made I feel free to post. However, no specific names will be mentioned**

Diagnosis: My first "Business Lunch" (well really it was more like an interview while eating)

That was stressful. Going to a regular interview makes me nervous enough. I alredy have quite a few nervousness problems with the neck spasms, heart palpitations, and chest tightness. So, now I had to interview and eat! That added a whole new dimension to my anxiety. I began to think, what should I eat? Are they paying for me? What if I get a bean sprout stuck in my teeth? If I choke and require the Heimlich maneuver am I still a candidate for the job? I survived though, but not without quite a bit of sweating and an insanely long spit string connecting my mouth to my straw (I really hope they didn't see that).

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.