Friday, January 07, 2005

Something Disturbing Happened Today...

Well, most of you probably don't know that my office is in a Medical Office building. So, I'm surrounded by sickies all day. In the elevator, the halls, stairs, wherever! Today I was leaving for lunch and I walked into the stairwell. I saw, lying on the steps, some papers. So, I stooped down to see what they were and where I should return them. Then I heard someone down the hall say, "Oh, Those are mine." So, I thought I'd just pick them up and bring them to her. THEN! Right as I touched them she yells, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" So I dropped them. I thought geez louise, lady, I'm not going to steal your identity. Then I realize when she comes into the stairwell...SHE HAS RUBBER GLOVES ON! OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE I TOUCHED! I asked her, "Uh, should I go wash my hands?" She said, "I would if I were you." And that was it! No explanation! I was a tad concerned, I must say. I mean, what in the world was on those papers! So I went back in my office and told one of the girls what happened. She went out to find the lady and figure out what I'd been exposed to. She found the office the lady was in, and called her out into the hall. Turns out...she has Scabies. What the heck is Scabies? Now I know and I hope I don't get it. I washed my hands really well, with hot water and soap for like 2 minutes, so I hope it helps. If nothing else, it made my day a little more exciting. My back itches.


Anonymous said...

Well, we were going to invite you over, but..... maybe not!! (jk)


beth hintze said...

Yeah, and when will y'all be coming to Lafayette to visit again? I may be out of town that weekend! ;)


Mrs. D said...

Hey Jessica! Of course I remember you! Thanks for viewing my blog. I have been enjoying yours for a while now. You are so funny. Hope you don't get scabies. Hugs from afar!

Anonymous said...

go out in the shed and find some thing to scrape your self with that may help

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.