Brian, I don't know you, but I read your blog and I got this off of it because I thought it was neat and I wanted to show everyone my results:
I am worth $1,432,000 on
Turns out I'm below average. The average woman is worth $1,667,431.00. I'm going to have to get some upgrades.
I am honored to be included in your blog. Perhaps we have met before. From hanging out with Beth and Erica, I met Kent once or twice. I'm sure that we have also met somewhere along the way. Anyway, when I wrote that post you made a comment, and then you said that you were worth 1,656,500.00. I guess you have depreciated some. I'm only worth a mere 1,594,300.00. [shrugs]
Yeah, I tried to post the one that I took a few weeks ago on your blog, but it made me take the test again. I can't believe I'm worth $200,000 less than before though! That's a house!
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