Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I am covered in dust!

After all my excitement with the new job I haven't really posted anything. Well, that's because I'm working on a big project. I decided to devote my last week of freedom to helping my mom sand down and refinish all of her kitchen cabinets. It's quite a big job! Altogether there are 41 cabinets and drawers! Oh well, I like stuff like that. Until I get tired, that is. It will be so much fun to have a house someday. I can hardly wait to buy a house that needs a lot of work and then fix it all up! I have so many ideas in my head but no house to put them in. However, I don't think that will happen for a long time, since Kent and I can't seem to commit to anything longer than a 6 month lease, much less commit to a mortgage.

Oh yes, so I did forget to actually say what I'll be doing at my new job. I will be helping with the leases and attending to the Dr's needs, such as calling repair people or cleaning people, or whatever. I'll also be doing some stuff with entering money and rent payments into the computer. They said that I will have projects, as well. I will be working from 8 - 5 Monday through Friday, so that's good. There are some apartments we're interested in that are about 2 blocks from the building where I will work. They're also right by the library, you know how much I love the library.

I'm just so tired and I feel like if I sneeze a cloud of dust will come out of my nose. I need a nap.


Kent said...

Don't worry, we'll have a house someday. Until then, try not to get too much dust up your nose-holes!

Carrie said...

We wish we lived in the same city as you guys...we have a major undertaking of sanding and re-staining/painting our entire bedroom set. I don't think it will ever get done. We need a house first.

Jessica said...

oh, I'm not really bummed that we don't have a house. We don't need anything else on our plates right now. :) Anyway, experts say you shouldn't start several new things at once, for example a new job, a new diet / exercise program and move to a new place! And you know experts are experts.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.