Sunday, January 02, 2005

Defining Chewing on My Face

It's a habit I have of biting off the skin inside of my cheeks. I mean, I will contort my face all sorts of ways just to get that one piece of new skin way in the back! I do it mostly if I'm nervous, or driving, or in deep thought, or sometimes if I just feel a loose piece of skin. Once you start doing this it's very difficult to quit. You actually develop a callous where you chew your cheek and everyday after you chew it all off, while you sleep the callous comes back. So, then you have to start over again the next day. I wonder why tissue grows back so fast in your mouth? Anyway, I hate the habit and I've noticed I'm getting little creases around my mouth from doing it. YIKES! One time Kent asked me, "When did you get that scar on your lip?" But it was a chewing crease. It was pretty funny to me then and now, but it makes me think I'm going to have some serious mouth wrinkles! Oh well, at least I don't chew my arm or Kent's face...I think that may be a more serious problem...


Kent said...

You may not chew on your arm, but you periodically like to bite my arm though... as well as my face :-p

Jessica said...

I only bite you because you won't give me any food :)

Carrie said...

thanks for clarifying...but that is really gross!

Drew Caperton said...

I do the exact same thing. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I did it as I read your blog. Amazing.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.