Sunday, January 02, 2005

One of my Favorite Websites (Well, that's what the title started off as, then I started rambling)


These are a few of my favorite things:
The Sims, Bettlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, As Good as it Gets, James Taylor, Jimmy Buffett, Bare Naked Ladies, Sheryl Crow, Alan Jackson, Olives, Pickles, Popcorn, any type of dip, Chihuahuas, Tetris, Chocolate Coke, I actually don't have a favorite color. I have two colors I don't like - orange and yellow.

Happy New Year! I made a New Year's resolution. I've actually only kept one ever. I try not to make any now. I resolved to cook more 2 years ago and a I did! It felt good to keep a resolution. This year I'm resolving to break my habit of chewing on my face and lips. It's such a bad habit, but very hard to break. I have 363 days to work on it. I've tried to stop before, but nothing works. Anyone have any ideas? It's just a nervous habit.

So, anyone else make any resolutions or do people not do that anymore?


Carrie said...

How do you chew on your face? We made resolutions as a family. Elias made some too: learn how to talk, crawl, sit up, and walk. Lofty goals but I am sure he can accomplish them :)

Kent said...

I just want to write a song.... and yes, this carried over from last year.

Anonymous said...

I have decided this year that I'm going gain some weight and have a major life changing experience (haven't decided on what yet, but it's going to be big!)


beth hintze said...

and i have decided that i'm gonna be an aunt again! i LOVE being an aunt--all of the fun, none of the responsibilities!--and David lives too far away to get to be much of an aunt on a regular basis. So i'm gonna get my own niece or nephew a little closer to home! ;)


About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.