Thursday, October 28, 2004

I think I'm in Love

There are two new (or at least new to me) products that I am head over heels for.

Definitely Number 1 has to be Kettle Corn! It is so good! It's sweet and salty which is perfect for me so I don't have to get stuck in my never ending cycle of eating something sweet, then wanting something salty, then eating something salty, then wanting something sweet. Kettle Corn is my favorite food right now.
“Sweet and salty; two opposites make the perfect pair.”— Tim Treats, Cornfield Daily

Number 2 is the Magic Bullet. I was enthralled by the infomercial and waited anxiously for the price. Which, much to my dismay, was more than I was hoping for (it's only 3 easy payments of $33.33). This thing is awesome! It makes smoothies, chops cheese, grinds coffee beans and makes juices and does gobs of other things that I don't remember! I can't even do it justice. You need to see the infomercial. I don't currently own the Magic Bullet, but when they start selling it at Walgreen's for $19.95, I'll be first in line.


Love Tractor said...

Hah!!! I can't believe it...

I am a random poster and I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the post about the Magic Bullet. I saw that infomercial too, but I wasn't aware that anyone else watched the things. Anyways, that's all. It did look neat though.

Kent said...

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Kettle corn is popcorn, with a sweet taste. At first hear, it may not sound good, but you'll be in for a treat if you try it! It rocks! It's almost hard to go back to regular popcorn!

J. said...

Kettle Corn is THE BOMB!

The even sell it by the case at Sams!

Anonymous said...

Jessiquita, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the Magic Bullet at our local Winn Dixie as they have a display of items called "AS SEEN ON TV" It's bound to show up sooner or later for your desired price of $19.99 ....

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.