Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's a Sad Thing

Some of you may know that I'm not very good at household chores. By "not very good" I mean I don't really do them unless someone is coming over. There are some things that are necessary, of course. I clean the bathroom - toilets, tub, etc and I vacuum. I also cook dinner every night and, thankfully, Kent does the dishes (which would be my reason to not cook).

There's one area where I have continuously failed my entire life. Clothes. I don't like to wash them. I don't like to fold them. I don't like to put them away. I just like to wear them and then throw them on the floor. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would shove them under the bed when I had to clean up. In college I would shove them into laundry bags and suitcases. As a me, now, I shove them into the closet.

Well, I managed to get way, way, way behind on laundry. I hadn't done ANY in about a month and a half. That equals more than 63 pounds of laundry (that's not even all of it - there's still some blankets and sheets). How do I know how much our laundry weighs? Because we broke down and brought it all to a laundry service. AND IT IS AWESOME!!! We drop off the clothes after work one day and then pick them up the next day after work. They do a super job, too! The clothes smell fresh and I've never seen anyone fold so neatly. They even match our stuff up! They put any matching pajama tops and bottoms I have together, they put pants all together, t-shirts all together, tanks all together, towels all together...you get the picture. The best part about it is that their prices are reasonable (for a laundry service anyway - you pay by the pound). Of course, the place is a hole in the wall and I wouldn't go there alone, but no big deal. What's the harm in getting mugged as long as my clothes are clean, right?

Unfortunately, our budget will not allow this type of behavior to continue. So, I've vowed to keep up with the laundry. Colored clothes go directly into the washer now and whites go into a small basket. The other 3 laundry baskets will no longer be used for laundry. So far, so good.

I cannot, however, make any promises about my closet. I think I'll always suffer from closet avalanches and mad searches for the "other shoe" at 8:00 in the morning. It just wouldn't be right if I didn't. Besides, what would I do with all that extra time in the morning not spent looking for my shoe? Eat breakfast at home? That's proposterous!

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I check my email everyday. I'm just not very good at deleting the ones I don't need.

Welcome, Jessica! You have 1523 unread messages:
Inbox(715), Bulk(808)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Shopping List

1. Here's something kind of weird. Actually, I can't decide if it's weird or cool. It's called Jelly Bath (you have to watch the informative video to get the full effect). I am not sure if I'd want to bathe in it or not. I think I would have to take a shower afterward to wash the jelly off. That would be, like, rash city in my armpits if I didn't rinse well.

2. I watched the beginning of The Biggest Loser the other night. It's a new one where the competition is between three or four families of four. They all work in restaurants. In the little intro video they show to introduce each family they talked about how it's a "nibble" here and a "bite" there and they taste things all day long! I worked in a restaurant and never once, not even one time, did I "nibble" food. That's just kind of unusual, I think. Maybe I just never noticed people nibbling though. It sems like that would be against the rules, don't you think?

3. I love Lipton Diet teas. Not the lemon - ack! gag! barf! I absolutle LUH-HUV the Diet Peach tea and the Diet Raspberry tea. Oh, so tasty and the fruitiness covers up the dietness.

4. This is the first time I've watched Beauty and the Geek. It's pretty good so far. I like Joe and Brittany! Go girl and geek!

5. Finally, I have officially met the laziest person on the planet. I don't think she'd step out of the way if a meteor was headed straight for her because it would take too much effort to do so. One day I'm going to throw a rock at her and test my theory.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A product I've had in development

Coming soon to high-end electronics stores everywhere...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Smells Like Shopper Spirit

I had a fabulous time shopping today! I had the day off so I met my mom and Laura at the mall of Louisiana and spent 6 hours shopping. It was wonderful. I got some UH-MAZING deals (one in particular - I got a suit, which is super cute and not at all stuffy looking, for 95% off!). I absolutely love when the clothing seasons change. Stuff gets marked so cheap! It's so exciting for me.

In other news...I'm afraid to walk past the bats during the night. They live at the EJ stadium one block over from our house. So, when the three of us go walking we hear them all sqeaking and it freaks me out. I think they're going to bite my ear when I'm not looking. So I feel like I have to watch the stadium the whole time we're walking past it. They only sqeak when it's dark. I can't wait until the days last longer. Eeeeek!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's not just the rich and famous who have a life coach.

There are two names that I frequently call my dog, whose real name is Coca Cola (aka Coca). I call her "Cokes" and "Pooch." Sometimes I slip up and accidentally call her "Coach" It ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS makes me laugh because I'm in trouble if she's my coach. I think she'd coach me to pull all inner soles out of all shoes. She'd also make me run stadiums.

Today I was sanding down a vanity that needs to be refinished. Unfortunately I was not wearing my hair in a ponytail and, yes it's true, my hair got caught in the motor of the sander. Fortunately it then shut itself off. I don't know if it has a automatic shut-off method that senses when the user is having an incredibly dumb moment, or what. I pulled my hair out of the sander and all is well now.

I also got the hiccups today. Thank you, Kent. The ONLY WAY I get hiccups is from laughing alot and Kent made me laugh because he laughed really loud in my face. It makes me laugh just thinking about it now (sidenote: my hiccups are absurdly obnoxious and I hate them).


Friday, January 13, 2006

Which one really happened?

1. My former boss (from the job I quit in October) called me today. He said the properties did, indeed, sell and they're closing the office (just as I suspected they would, which was one of the many many reasons I quit). He said the new management company asked him to join them and he was calling to ask me to come back and work with him. (Just some background here...When I quit, he said I was the best person he ever worked with and the most honest. Anyway...) It would just be him, me and maintenance guys. I said that I'd need some more details as I began thinking about the fact that it would definitely pay more than my current job. He wanted to meet for lunch next week and discuss it. As I turned it over in my brain while he continued to talk, I remembered what a life of misery I led working for him in the past. I decided to just tell him that I'm happy where I am and I'm not interested in changing jobs for the 3rd time since we moved to N.O. He tried to convince me that it would be a good opportunity and they'd pay me more than I was making when I used to work for him. I stuck to my guns though and told him no, AGAIN. This time I mentioned that I did not want to work in a Satellite office again and that the company I'm with is big into education and promoting from within. I thanked him for considering me and told him that I considered it a complement. I also told him that if I had any friends in N.O. that I could recommend, I would do so. Then we hung up. Done.

2. My former boss (from the job I quit in October) called me today. He said the properties did, indeed, sell and they're closing the office (just as I suspected they would, which was one of the many many reasons I quit). He said the new management company asked him to join them and he was calling to ask me to come back and work with him. (Just some background here...When I quit, he said I was the best person he ever worked with and the most honest. Anyway...) It would just be him, me and maintenance guys. I told him I'd rather work in a dungeon cleaning the toenails of dead men. Then I explained how I dreaded everyday I'd see him and would pretend to be on the phone when he'd walk in the room sometimes so I wouldn't have to talk to him. I then wished him good luck on his life long aspiration of wasting valuable company time and pushing his work off on other people. I also said if I see any suckers I'll send them his way. Then I hung up my phone and smashed it into thousands of pieces, which I flushed down the toilet, so he'd never, ever call me again.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Give me one moment in time

Today I've been reorganizing and de-cluttering our house. At the same time I've been gathering items for a garage sale. I haven't made it to my closet or dresser yet because I know that will be the most difficult. The thing is, the way I remember stuff is by what I was wearing. That may sound shallow, and maybe it is, but that's how I figure out what year it was or how old I was when something happened. It's the thing that sticks out in my memory. So, since my memories are stuffed with all my old clothes if I got rid of them would my memory suddenly become deflated?

Yeah, whatever, it's really not that big of a deal.

The bigger reason I don't want to get rid of clothes is that I will eventually wear them all! When I get rid of something I always miss it. What if I lose weight? I'll need the small clothes. What if I gain weight? I'll need the big clothes. What If spikes grow out of my back? I'll need the t-shirt with holes in the back. Most importantly what if that other striped sock comes back to find his long lost love? I'll need to make sure she's here to greet him.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Someone I don't know

After visiting a friend of Brian's blog and reading a "bathroom etiquette" post, I was so inspired to share a bathroom story of my own:

I was at Trinity Church in Lafayette for a Christmas service. I could hardly make it through the service because I'd just had a big drink before we went there. As soon as it was over I rushed to the bathroom. I opened the door and, unfortunately, ran into someone I knew. It was a lady from Zachary, a notorious talker, whose daughter and husband happened to go to Trinity. I tried to just say hi and move on but of course she wanted to chit chat. Luckily I was able to tear myself away and head into the stall. She, however, continued talking...blah blah blah, whatever. I was already annoyed that she was still talking to me while I was on the potty. I grab some toilet paper and as I look up at the door I notice SHE'S LOOKING AT ME THROUGH THE CRACK BETWEEN THE DOOR AND THE SIDE OF THE STALL!!!! As if talking to me while I'm in the stall wasn't enough she has to watch me through the crack!! It wasn't like she had her eye pressed to the crack or anything. She was standing about 3 feet back but looking at me none the less. So, I came out of the stall and decided polite chit chat was no longer necessary and excused myself from the restroom. Now that's bad bathroom etiquette. What a weirdo.

About Me

My photo
I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.