Tuesday, September 28, 2004

No Job...Nothing to do

Hi. I thought I would jump on the bandwagon with the blogging. It gives me something to do anyway. Even if I only entertain myself with this, I'm happy.
Well, I thought I'd begin my first post with a description of my typical day:

7:00 am Wake up with kent fix him his lunch and wave goodbye.
7:30 am Go back to sleep
8:00 - 10:30 am Wake up about 20 times and try to decide if I should wake up knowing that would just give me more hours of nothing to do but eat, or should I sleep and therefore prevent myself from eating constantly. Of course I choose sleeping.
10:30 -11:00 am Sometime during this window I wake up
11:00 - Noon Eat Breakfast, check the classified ads, check email, check craigslist.
Afternoon Mail out resume's and watch 7th Heaven
after 5:30 Eat dinner, follow Kent around the house, and feed my addiction (realityTV)
10:30 pm Go to bed, watch tv till midnight, then sleep.

**Sometimes my whole routine is shattered because I substitute teach!!**



Kent said...

She's right... she actually does follow me around the house... j/k.

Carrie said...

yeah, you started a blog...you like 7th Heaven too?! What about Everwood?

Jessica said...

Nope, don't watch Everwood, but I've heard it's good! I'll have to look up when it comes on.

Anonymous said...

on modes of transportation I thought for sure your next comment regarding the thoughts on walking would be ..."that my leg would fall off" Horrors!!! Love Ya! Mumzy

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.