Sunday, January 08, 2006

Give me one moment in time

Today I've been reorganizing and de-cluttering our house. At the same time I've been gathering items for a garage sale. I haven't made it to my closet or dresser yet because I know that will be the most difficult. The thing is, the way I remember stuff is by what I was wearing. That may sound shallow, and maybe it is, but that's how I figure out what year it was or how old I was when something happened. It's the thing that sticks out in my memory. So, since my memories are stuffed with all my old clothes if I got rid of them would my memory suddenly become deflated?

Yeah, whatever, it's really not that big of a deal.

The bigger reason I don't want to get rid of clothes is that I will eventually wear them all! When I get rid of something I always miss it. What if I lose weight? I'll need the small clothes. What if I gain weight? I'll need the big clothes. What If spikes grow out of my back? I'll need the t-shirt with holes in the back. Most importantly what if that other striped sock comes back to find his long lost love? I'll need to make sure she's here to greet him.


Anonymous said...

I so can relate. I guess that's why U. Jim calls me a pack-rat.

But when you're finished decluttering your place, you're welcome to come throw things away at mine.


Kristy said...

So I guess we won't have much to sell at our garage sale! I am exactly the same way with clothes and just about everything else.

By the way, Jed's getting much more comfortable around his little jumping puppy. Riley actually loves it - one day she was laughing like crazy at it. Thanks!

katie said...

I can totally relate to the sentimental link to clothes...I am such a pack rat, or so my mom has called me for years. I finally came up with a great way to kick it. If I can't make the shirt I haven't worn for a couple of years(at least) into a pillow with buttons down the front(or a sweater--that makes a great pillow!), I cut a huge square out of it, or take it apart until it's not a shirt anymore. Then it goes into my fabric remnant box. Now, it's not a piece of clothing I'm holding onto anymore--it's fabric!

Hah....well, anyway, I keep thinking one day I'll have enough to make the ugliest quilt man's ever seen. Funky/ugly...I guess I'll have to wait and see.

P.s. I do the same thing with kyle's really old clothes or ties. except I don't take em apart for awhile, just in case he notices they're missing. He'll never wear em again. So.... :)

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.