Monday, September 03, 2007

Riding the Bus / Rail

While here in Boston we've been making use of the public transportation system. We're getting quite good at it, actually. One thing that is a little stressful is getting on a bus or train that is really crowded. I have to stand up and hold on to the pole for dear life because neither the bus nor the train provides a smooth ride! Its actually pretty scary. I saw a grown man almost fall on top of his baby in a stroller on the subway!

I've had to stand and ride several times already. So far, only one person has given up their seat for the 9 month pregnant woman. The one person was an Asian lady, probably in her 50's. Other than that, no one. I did have one man hold on to the pole a little lower because he said he "didn't want to offend anyone with his armpit hair." Nice...

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.