Thursday, May 08, 2008


So, I was thinking of posting but I'm not sure if anyone still checks this blog...especially now, due to the end of Kinja (that really stinks because I can't figure out how to use blog rovr). Anyway, just drop a quick comment if you do check it so I can decide to post or not. Thanks a great big bunch!

Oh, and btw, if anyone knows of something that works similar to Kinja PUHLEASE let me know!


Laje Kahr said...

I occasionally drop by here and the "longhair" blog to see how yall are doing, but have noticed the lack of activity lately.

Didn't even know about this Kinja thing. Heh.

Just figured, you guys had been like me and not had time or gumption lately to post. ;P

Laje Kahr said...

Course, I just noticed that your posting on the julianne blog, heh.
Guess I'll just check there. :)

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.