Sunday, August 14, 2005

Back to Reality

Well, we're home from the beach trip with my family. It was so wonderful. We had a GRRRREAT time! 9 DAYS IN A ROW OF NOT GOING TO WORK!! It was like a dream come true. No stress, no high heels, no dress clothes, no brushing teeth (okay I did brush every other day), no make up...mostly just no working. I totally do not want to go back tomorrow. I am not ready to be tense again. I will just think about the beach when I get stressed. Anyway, here are some pictures:

Kent's thirsty...
Me and my sissy
Phase 10...Love it..
Kent making a kissy face
Beach birdies

1 comment:

Drew Caperton said...

Jessica, I believe to my core that if someone gave you guys $1,000,000 and some beach-front porperty, you would have a heart attack right there on the spot. No one I have ever met loves the beach as mch as you do, and I think it's great. Sorry you have to go back to work, but I'm glad that you guys had a wonderful time.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.