Wednesday, August 23, 2006


So, I found out yesterday that our landlord is going up on our rent. Our new rent is now $750 per month for a 625 sf apartment. The problem is we don't really have much of an option besides signing the new lease, which happens to be a 1 year lease. The one year lease is an issue too. Since Kent graduates in May, we really have no idea where we're going to be living beyond May. I don't want to have to pay for months we won't be living here.

There are cheaper apartments available in areas where I would never open the door once night fell and there are apartments available in safer areas that we could pay $1500 per month. $750 is not bad for an apartment here. It's just that is so small. I mean, if I gain 5lbs we're not going to fit anymore. I'd rather have more for the money, or less for less money even. I just want to feel like its a good value. Anyway, I searched the internet for hours last night and did not find anything that met our needs. So, looks like we'll be signing a new lease. I'll just have to get over it.

In other news...
I'm caught up on laundry! YAY!!! By caught up I mean I only have one basket of dirty clothes left.


Coca absolutely loves her new dogfood. Royal Canin makes a food created especially for Chihuahuas. They must've done something right.

Oh well, that's all for now. Boring post, I know. I'll try better next time.

1 comment:

katie said...

Your posts are NEVER boring, Jessica!! I can empathize with not knowing where you'll be(when Kyle was finishing school, we were there) so have you tried asking around seminary and church...there are always older ladies with spare rooms/spare half houses that rent out. There has to be something available in that area. I don't know where you need to live, but I know I have family in different areas(incl. MEtairie) who may have rental prop. or know of options. Best to get the word out and see what God sends your way:)

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.