Monday, August 14, 2006


I'm back!

I have discovered that I can "gleek." Yes, I'm 27 years old. No, I should not be spitting in public. Now, on to the details...

After years of trying (15 years to be exact) I have finally mastered the art of gleeking. However, I can only do it after I yawn. I know, weird, right? After I yawn I can gleek 3 or 4 times in a row!!! I have a spray of saliva dots all over my purse, shirt and anything else around me. My sister said it looks like a snake shooting out venom. Snakey! I love it.

That's not the funny part...

Kent could not gleek either. That is until Friday August 4th at about 7 PM. We were standing in line at the notary shoppe and we started talking about gleeking. Kent, who has not been able to gleek ever before, decided to demonstrate how he can not gleek. He looked right at me and proceded to show me how he can't gleek by shooting saliva right in my face. We were both shocked. I was embarassed and soon after that completely amused. How funny that must have looked to the man standing there in his gangsta duds about 2 feet behind us. I know if I had been that man I would have laughed my guts out.

That was a good time.

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.