Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Pet Rapture

One night, not too long ago, in a room not too far from the chair I'm sitting in now, the room known as Kent's and my bedroom, a curious thing happened. It was time for bed. I'd put up the baby gate in the doorway so that Coca could not get out. As Kent and I did our nightly reading, I heard the familiar scratching of little paws on the closet door. She desperately tries to get in there every day to steal Kent's sole. She loves to pull the sole out of his brown shoes. I knew she could not get in because I closed the closet door, which happens to be in our bathroom, before I got into bed. When we were done reading, I noticed that the scratching had stopped. I called for little paws running, no tags jingling, nothing. So, I got up and looked in all the usual places. She was not there. I went into the bathroom. The closet door was still closed and there was absolutely no sound. I was dumbfounded. Where was my poochie?! She could not have escaped the room. The baby gate was blocking the doorway. As I stood there flabergasted, Kent offered up a suggestion,

"Maybe there was a pet rapture!"

This was very, very funny to me.

I thought that was one of THE FUNNIEST things I'd heard in a long time. I had to call my mom right away and tell her how funny it was. She said that if there was a pet rapture Bear and Pixie didn't get taken. It really just cracked me up. Kent, you are so funny.

We did find Coca. So, there was no pet rapture that night, unless she just didn't make it. As it turned out, somehow Coca managed to open the closet door and then close it behind her. She'd been in the closet the whole time. Crazy little poochie.

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.