Saturday, March 24, 2007

Un-fit Mother?

I wonder if at my appointments my doctor evaluates my mental ability to raise a child. If she does, the following conversation probably cost me a few points:

March 7, 2006

Doctor: Does your family have any history of birth defects?
Jessica: No.
Doctor: Any history of genetic disorders?
Jessica: No.
Doctor: Have you ever had Herpes?
Jessica: No.
Doctor: Have you ever had Chicken Pox?
Jessica: Yes.
Doctor: Do you have "Katz"?
Jessica: Do I have what?
Doctor: "Katz".
Jessica: Well, I don't think so. I really don't know what the symptoms are though.
Doctor: A house cat?
Jessica: OH! I thought "Katz" was a disease...I just thought...I...uh...Okay, so, No, I don't have a cat.

I thought maybe "Katz" was some type of Jewish disease I'd never heard of. I don't know what is with my brain sometimes. My doctor didn't laugh. I think she just thought I was crazy.


Kristy said...

Being crazy is yet another pregnancy side-effect...expect much more!! I'm sure the doc is used to it!

Laje Kahr said...

That was too much.
Don't worry, my wife went through moments like that, too.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.