Sunday, September 18, 2005

Heading Back Home

As you probably read on Kent's blog we are once again saying "goodbye" to Lafayette and heading back to "Met-tree," as we lovingly call it. I have slightly mixed emotions about going back. I'm ready to be back home, back to somewhat normal. We both love it there and are anxious to live there again. However, I'm not ready to be working in the same environment as usual. The "bosses" in my company are quite harsh. I don't like it.

As an added bonus, the environmental inspectors found ecoli in my office!! How awesome is that. Now, not only do I get to work around grouches, I also get to work around a deadly bacteria. It's really just amazing.

Actually, I'm very very very thankful for this job. They've let me continue working through the whole evacuation and everything and that's been good. It's really the perfect job for our current situation as far as compensation and benefits are concerned. It's just kind of a downer environment. I'll deal with it though. I should just spend less time complaining about it and more time being thankful that God gave me this job. It is what we need at this time.

We leave on Wednesday and will have a few houseguests when we get back. I am excited about that. I've enjoyed living with people in the past and now we'll get to experience it from the other side.

It's been fun hanging out in Lafayette. Thanks for the good times and I guess we'll see all you Lafayettians at Thanksgiving.


jerry said...

hey yeah we didnt get to talk much but it was really kewl having you guys over while you where down.....i hope you will come visit more whenever you come down.

Drew Caperton said...

Hold the phone on saying "hi" to ecoli, looks like Rita has got something up her sleeve to keep you guys in Lafayette... maybe... hopefully. I like having you guys around, but I know you need to get back home.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.