Saturday, February 19, 2005

Puppy 911 and other life changing stories

So, I took coca for her first vet visit yesterday. It was an EMERGENCY! She was pooping WAY too much. I mean 5 times in one day! Then the next morning 3 times in 3 hours! I was so worried. Good news though, she just has to get used to her food. But I was glad to go to the vet anyway. She's really nice and answered all the questions I had about Coca. I don't think she thought I was crazy. She said I could call anytime with questions. Her name was Jessica too. They also had a girl at the front desk named Jessica.

Today I've spent most of the day playing with the Coca and putting away clothes. I'm soooo bad at unpacking. When I get home from a trip my bag stays packed for a minimum of 1 week, most of the time longer. Now, we've moved into a new place, I think we moved in January 29th, we are still not even close to being unpacked. I'm just now unpacking all of my clothes. Sometimes I wish I was a celebrity and could get someone to do all the unpacking for me. Gag...I hate it.

Exciting News!! Kent's parents gave me a hanging plant for my birthday, which was in june, but it's been at their house since then, because of the move and all of that. Well, I just got it back last week and hung it in the tree right outside of our door. WELL SOMETHING GREAT HAPPENED! A bird built a nest it it! I am so excited. I see the momma bird everyday sitting on her nest. We'll get to see the little birdies when they hatch AND we'll get to see them learn how to fly! I'm just so happy everytime I walk out of the door and see her in the plant. Spring is coming soon!

I'm about to go pick up Kenter from the library and go to wal-mart and the dollar tree. I'm going to print some pics of Coca for my desk. (I'm such a goofy girl).

I've been kind of slow at posting lately because Kent and I do not have internet yet. We will have it after we see what our first electric bill is like. Oi....budgets...

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.