Tuesday, June 07, 2005


So, this Saturday Kent and I are auditioning for the WHEEEEL OOOOF FORTUNE! It will at least be fun to audition even if we don't make it. We have to go to the Wheelmobile at Harrah's.

Speaking of Wheel of Fortune...
Once when I was a kid we had a little family reunion in Columbia, LA, which is near monroe. I heard my aunt tell my mom that she saw Pat Robertson at the hotel. I remember thinking, "Cool! The guy from wheel of fortune!" Years later, when my brain had developed further, I realized that Pat Robertson is not the guy on "Wheel" that would be Pat Sajack.

BTW...Everyone read Kent's blog to hear something funny that happened this weekend!

Tid bits about me:
I have to wear mosquito repellant in the house...
At our old apartment I once killed 27 flies in one day. Then I freaked out...
I came home from work the other day to hear from Kent, "Jessica, I think your pants have a split in the back"...
Coke doesn't taste as good when you drop the can on your toe before you drink it...
A yellow jacket once chased me across the yard. I jumped in the pool. It waited for me and stung me on the back of the neck when I came up for air. Then it got stuck in my hair. As I ripped it out of my hair it stung me on both index fingers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that whole thing about the pool and the yellow jacket!! I Was there! ...............lol

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.