Saturday, November 05, 2005

I need to be a neater eater...

Today, I stuck my finger in my ear to scratch it or whatever I do with my finger in my ear and do you know what came out? A toasted sesame seed - and I don't remember the last time I ate sesame seeds. I know it wasn't this week. Maybe instead of eating neater I need to clean my ears more. Or maybe, I need to stop revealing my personal hygiene habits to all of the internet, being as my last post mentioned my lack of flossing.

By the by...I'm posting more because I'm in a better mood because my current job (unlike my previous job) doesn't make me want to strangle someone.

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.