Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Not thankful for Cranberry Sauce *gag*

This Thanksgiving we're in New Orleans because I'm working the day after. We are, however, going to Lafayette on Friday evening. This is the Coca's first Thanksgiving. I will explain to her what it is all about tomorrow (just kidding, I'm really not that weird). We're going out to eat with my Grandma and Grandpa and my Aunt Margaret. I will bring Coca a tiny plate of leftovers (I am that weird).

Tonight I pulled out the old faithful Karaoke machine. Oh 'tis my favorite toy. *sigh*

We bought the first Christmas gift today.

I ran smack dab, regular walking speed into a man today. It really hurt. We exchanged embarassed "Sorries" and both said, "I wasn't watching where I was going." I actually didn't even know what happened for a minute. I just felt pain. (A few minutes later as the pain was still there, I asked Kent if he happened to see a syringe in that man's hand. He might've injected me with a disease. Kent said, "No, do you see a hole in your arm?")

I started to list what I'm thankful to God for, but it got really long because I didn't want to leave anything out. So, I'm thankful...for alot. Happy Thanksgiving Kiddies!!

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.