Saturday, October 16, 2004

Lifestyles of the Broke and the Fameless

Due to this week's job related events (going to more interviews and being turned down) and catching up the budget I was reminded that anything Kent and I do to entertain ourselves better be free! Here are a few things that keep us entertained without costing us any money.
  1. Going to the Library and looking at books and magazines. Why buy a magazine when we can have a free subscribtion to 200 different magazines!
  2. Going to the Library and renting movies. Sure, the new releases are often checked out, but we can reserve them online and as soon as the movie comes in the Library calls us.
  3. Feeding the Geese, Ducks, Cranes and Nutria at the Park. Any time my grandparents have old bread they're going to throw away, Kent and I save it to feed to the birds and Nutria (If you've read Kent's blog you'll know how much fun we have with the Geese).
  4. Going for walks at the park. We like to look at all the dogs people have (I really want a dog). We watch the people playing Soccer or Football. One time we watched a wedding rehersal thinking it was some type of show!
  5. Going for bike rides. I ride my old bike that I got when I was 11 and Kent rides my dad's bike that he got in 1965. It's a really cool bike though. One of those with the fenders over the wheels (If you've read my blog about the bike incident, then you know how exciting bike riding can be).
  6. Walking around at the mall. We go in stores and read t-shirts, or bumper stickers. We play guess the name of this scented candle. We go in stores and say "Oh, this would be a perfect gift for so and so!" (of course, so and so, you will never get any of these gifts because they're too expensive). We play with the stuff at the Discovery Store.
  7. Watching the "Wheel of Fortune"! We are actually in the Wheel Watcher's Club.
  8. Playing Games.
  9. Looking at stuff on the internet. We LOVE the internet! Right now it's free because we're at my grandparents' house.
  10. Doing our individual hobbies. Kent plays Game Cube games and I crochet. My grandma had a whole bag of old yarn she didn't need, so I can make new projects all the time.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to buy something at the mall or rent a Blockbuster movie, but I'm just as happy doing our free stuff! Since Kent's in school now, our free fun will have to last for a while. Hey, at least right now we have cable! Woo hoo! We didn't have it at our old apartment and we probably won't at our new apartment either. So, here I can watch all the really bizarre reality shows like, "Growing up Gotti," "The Surreal Life," and "Dr. 90210." Plus, I can watch 7th Heaven three times a day on ABC Family....but I don't.



Dallas said...

Feel like knitting me a skull cap?

Carrie said...

That is some cool free stuff! I taught myself how to crochet when I got pregnant. I crocheted Elias a blanket. That is all I know how to do. What kind of stuff do you crochet?

Jessica said...

I've crocheted hats, scarves, and a Capelet (it's a small cape). The capelet was actually an accident. It was going to be a poncho, but I made it way too small so when I put it on it looked like I was trapped in a net! So, I opened up the seam and connected the top with a pearl-like necklace and made a capelet.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.