Thursday, October 07, 2004

Oh, the Library.

I have a new favorite thing here. It's the Library. We have the nicest library I've ever seen here. I go there 2 or 3 times every week. They have books (of course), videos, dvds, cds, magazines and a coffee shop! And it's all free (well, except for the coffee shop). Since I have no job and we're not exactly the Hilton's right now, we are frequently checking out free movies from the library. AND IT DOESN'T COST $5, like the video store.

There is one problem.....

It never, ever, fails. When I go to the library. I will look around and get a big stack of books and movies. Then right in the middle of looking at books. I get an upset stomach (seriously, every single time I have been in this library this has happened). So, I have to leave my books either with Kent or on a table and rush to the bathroom. I know the people that work there must think I have no bathroom at home, or else I'm afraid to use my home bathroom, because I do this every time I'm there. What's funny is that the very same thing happens to me at Barnes and Noble. It's so strange! I mean am I just so excited about all the books that I lose control of my bowels? Are there just to many choices and it stresses me out? Am I allergic to pages and words? I wish I knew what the problem was. It certainly would make my trip more pleasant.

Nevertheless, I'm so glad the library is here. It's just a building full of free fun for me. (Free, except that my grandpa says he's been paying taxes on it for years so he's glad someone is enjoying it.)


Kent said...

For those of you skeptics, this really does happen to her every time. I think it's some kind of psychological connection between books and her bowels. Who knows!

Anonymous said...

on your topic of books & bowels.......LOL......very funny .....suggestion ...if I may...if this is about a good dose of PETO BISMOL before heading near the books? Mumzy

Dallas said...

You might want to try Pepto-Bismol, too. That stuff works even better than PETO BISMOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess:
I understand where you are coming from. I dont know what happens but I have the same problem every time I go to the Library, what a hassle...but dont tell anyone...jj. By the way I am loving your site. It is so funny. I check it every day. Keep up the good work. Maybe you can publish it and make some money.


Carrie said...

the library is a wonderful thing...too bad the one near our home is very small and they never have good movies. They have old westerns or 70's aerobics videos.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.