Friday, October 08, 2004

Smurfs, Raccoons and Bathrooms

When Kent and I got married I realized something about him that I never knew...

He talks in his sleep all night long! When we first got married I couldn't even sleep through the night. I had to start wearing earplugs so that I could sleep. Now that I've gotten used to it, its just funny to me. Over the last two and a half years some pretty funny things have happened while one or both of us were sleeping. Here are just a few highlights.

Two nights ago I stayed up watching TV and Kent fell asleep. Just as I turned off the TV and rolled over to sleep I heard Kent laughing, "Huh, huh ha." So, I said, "What's so funny?" No response. More laughter, "Huh, huh ha." Again I asked, "What's so funny?" This time he responded, "That smurf, ha ha." Of course I asked, "What smurf?" Kent said, "He keeps trying to drink his water, ha ha ha, but someone keeps knocking it out of his hands, ha ha." I then started laughing, because it's very funny to me that my husband dreams about smurfs. :) Of course, when I asked him if he remembered dreaming any thing he didn't remember a thing about it.

A while back when we lived in our old apartment another pretty funny incident happened. I was having a nightmare that a raccoon was on the bed. So I was screaming and trying to climb off the bed (I really was crawling towards the side of the bed trying to get off). Only I couldn't move my legs because the raccoon was too heavy... meanwhile...Kent was dreaming that I was being sucked away by a tornado and he was trying to save me by holding onto my legs (he was actually holding onto my legs). Suddenly, we both woke up and realized I was halfway off the bed and Kent was holding me down. Then we told each other about our dreams and laughed at how weird we are. No wonder I couldn't get up, I had a 6 foot raccoon (also known as my husband) holding on to my legs!

On a different occasion, I started asking questions while he was sleep talking and in the middle of us talking he said, "I really have to go to the bathroom, but the line is way too long." I said, "The last time I was there no one was in line." Then he said, "Well, a whole bunch of people just ran and got in line!" Then I started laughing and he woke up and said "What are you doing?" Then he got up and went to the bathroom. Once again he remembered nothing in the morning.

There are many more stories, but this post is getting pretty long, so I'll spare you.
Kent, you are so funny when you sleep, thanks for entertaining me. Y


Carrie said...

I am laughing so hard right now...does he ever get up and do things in his sleep?? Ya'll are dangerous together!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, they are quite entertaining....both of them ...I can vouch for that see I'm mumzy/mother-in-law and when they stay here they stay in the room adjacent to the kitchen. I'm a early riser, so I used to be startled hearing,laughing,mumbling and actual conversations coming from their room as I made my cup of coffee. Now I just brace myself and expect the unexpected! LOL

Jessica needs to share her flying witch story too!

Jessica said...

Well, he never actually gets up and does stuff, but he did elbow me in the chest once in his sleep thinking he was fighting someone off his back. That was a rude awakening!

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.