Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Painful Memory

Here's something funny from my childhood. I had a "big wheel." You have to know what this is because I'm sure most of you had one. It's like a plastic bike that's really low to the ground. The front wheel is really big and the two back wheels were small. My "Big Wheel" was Barbie themed. I loved it! Only I couldn't ride it normal. I insisted on dragging my knuckles on the concrete as a rode and ran over my fingers with the two small wheels on the back. I don't know why I liked doing that. It was just my thing. My parents would tell me not to do it, but riding the "Big Wheel" just wouldn't be the same without running over my fingers. I rode it and ran over my hands till the day it was stolen. Ahhhh...Memories.

1 comment:

Kent said...

I, too, had one of these big wheel wonders. We called it something else, but I know both my brother and I had one each. We had a long drive way back then, so I can remember riding it up and down. Ah yes, the memories indeed.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.