Monday, November 29, 2004

The Pod

Kent and I currently have most of our worldly belongings stored in a Pod. If you don't know what that is, a Pod is like the back of a moving truck delivered to your house, you load it with all of your stuff, then someone picks it up and they store it, stacked pod upon pod, in a warehouse until you call for it to be delivered to your home. You can also keep it in your yard if you would like. Well, we decided to access our Pod this past weekend so we could get some winter clothes, the karaoke machine, some Christmas wrappings and gifts, TETRIS and a pair of my boots. First of all we couldn't get the door open. It's one of those over-head, roll-up doors, and something was stuck about mid-way up that was keeping it from going up all the way. So, Kent was doing battle with the door and it was EXTREMELY windy that day! His hair was continuously whipping him in the face, so he went off on a mad search for a ponytail holder and I decided to stick my hand under the door and move whatever was jammed. I did, indeed, move the object, but not before an unknown object fell, smashed my finger and tore some skin off the side of it. It was very bloody and we couldn't find anything to wash it with except watered down coke and a kleenex. So then I had a sticky, bloody, fuzz covered finger. Excellent. We proceeded to unload what we needed, all the while, chasing our belongings that were blowing down the parking lot, like lampshades, baskets, and wrapping paper. Did, I mention it was windy? Meanwhile, my sister was enjoying the show (she did help us hold stuff though). We got some of the clothes we were looking for and the wrapping paper, but we gave up on the rest. It was just too deep within the Pod and digging in anything more than 2 feet from the door would have been a complete disaster. So, Karaoke, Tetris, Christmas gifts, and boots you will all have to wait until we find an apartment.

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.