Saturday, May 07, 2005

Do I really look like I need one?

One day Kent and I were at the mall. Due to my inability to pay attention to one thing for more than 15 minutes, I had to leave Kent in the music store. So, I went across the way to one of those little stores like "Hi Style" or "Citi Trends." You know, where they have, not-so-high-quality formal gowns and "going out" clothes. I wandered in to look around and the girl working there immediately catches me at the door, she asks "Can I help you with anything?" I say, "No, thanks. I'm just looking." So she responds, "Well, are you looking for a wig because I can help you?" WHAT! Am I looking for a wig? Why oh why would she assume I'm looking for a wig? I mean, I know I'm not exactly one of those people who gets all fixed up to go out somewhere, but really, is it that bad? Did I somehow lose a significant chunk of hair during my walk through the mall? I responded with " thanks" and left. Of course, I thoroughly checked for any bald spots when I got home. Thankfully, I was still fully covered. I have not gone back in that store again, that or the "death store," but that's a whole other story...

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.