Thursday, May 19, 2005

K vs. J

As most of you who know us know, Kent and I get along exceptionally well. We RARELY argue and I can honestly say we never yell. We are just very compatible with each other and neither of us really freak out about little annoyances. We agree on the "big ones" and don't let the "little ones" bother us. However, there is one topic that we will never agree on. Neither of us are willing to compromise either. Our opinions are set in stone and we will not budge. We've come to accept our differences though. KENT HATES COUNTRY MUSIC AND I LOVE IT! Classic country, new country, 80's country. If its country I will probably like it. Maybe it's because I'm from the country and I like it that way. I know pretty much everyone who reads this blog agrees with Kent, but it doesn't bother me when people make fun of country music. I enjoy it. I enjoy most music. I like little bit of country, oldies, rock, classic rock, pop, hip hop, r&b - not really into opera or classical though and I'm selective on the rap. There are a few bands/artists I cannot stomach; Alice in Chains, Gwen Stefani/No Doubt(except for that song she did with Moby), Creed to name a few. Occasionally I suffer through an Alice in Chains song for Kent and he returns the favor by suffering through an Alan Jackson (one of my ALL-TIME FAVS!) song for me. So, I guess we do compromise in that way. Anyway, now you know our greatest difference.


Dallas said...

Kent, if you read Jessica's comments, you need to know...

No one that calls himself a man would ever listen to an Alan Jackson song under any circumstances.

Stick you fingers in your ears and sing Spoonman to drown out the twang, you hermaphrodite.

Jessica said...

Not funny...I didn't say Kent liked it, just tolerated it for me when my favorite song comes on and that's why we get along so well, we tolerate each other's stuff. :)

Drew Caperton said...

Yeah Dallas, you and Kent need to get off your 3rd-grade-i-hate-country-music kick. I'm proud to say I listen to country and a lot of other stuff. All this hate on country, what did it ever do to you? I'm with you, Jessica, country (some, not all) is good.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.