Thursday, May 26, 2005


The only thing that is keeping me going is the thought of Raisin' Canes for dinner and being at the beach in less than 48 hours.


Dallas said...

You're going to the beach, too?!

Kent said...

And you'd think that it would've gotten better after you got off work...

Jessica said...

Yeah, Coca's accidents didn't help much, but hanging out with you made it better :)

Yes, I'm going to the beach too. Destin.

Drew Caperton said...

wow, all you guys are going to beach... you guys suck.

Drew Caperton said...

I was just kidding... at least I didn't use the word "hermaph..." nevermind.

Dallas said...

People that say other people suck are herma....neutically challenged.

We'll be down the road in Gulf Shores.

Drew Caperton said...

Jessica, do you appreciate all these comments on your blog? Even if they have nothing to do with the post?

Jessica said...

I actually thought I was the only one who checked back after they already commented on a post to see if anyone else commented...until today.

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.