Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Windy Cindy

Well, last night was tropical storm Cindy. Tropical storm - no big deal, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. I found it very hard to sleep though when I heard wind that sounded like a train and random objects slamming up against the house during the night. Thank goodness we have strong walls, I guess. We made it through the night. The Crape Myrtle tree in front of our house right along the fence was struck by lightning and split in half.

Kent's work didn't have power when he got in and my work was an absolute nightmare! I used to like rain until I worked in property management. Why do commercial roofs and windows have such a tendancy to leak? Don't you think they'd be stronger than regular roofs? Water, water every where and all the carpet reeked! Water, water every where in the windows it seeped! We had ceilings falling in, carpet coming up, walls peeling off. Irate tenants, the works. Sometimes I just want to tell them "LEAVE ME ALONE! I AM TIRED!" But, then I wouldn't have a job.

What a day! Two things brightened my day though:
1. I got a way cute blazer at Old Navy for $6.97 and I wore it today. So, every time I saw myself in the mirror it made me happy. I love cheap stuff!
2. I won a free coke in my bottle cap. Mmmmm....coke.

Other than that....not a great day...neither was yesterday. Now, I have painful gas trapped in my stomack. Awesome.



Anonymous said...

Don't you love getting those free cokes!! I have won 6- does that mean I'm drinking to much coke?

Kent said...

yeah, free cokes. awesome :)

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.