Monday, October 17, 2005

Birds & Bats

All of the tree debris in Jefferson parish is being taken to our very own Lafreniere park. The mounds are HUGE! They are turning into mulch and you can smell it when you drive by. I think it smells good and I always take a big whiff. Anyway, there are alot of ducks, swans and cranes that live in that park and I was wondering where they went with all of those mountains of trees taking up their space. Kent thought they might not have made it through the storm, but then he spotted a great big group of them in one of the parking lots. It was really funny to me because it was like they were having a meeting deciding what to do about this mess in their park. I was glad to see there were alot of them still alive and that they were developing a plan of action.

Today, I saw a blue jay land on the fence with a whole pecan, in the shell, in his mouth. I wondered how he planned to crack it. That's a hard nut to crack. (not really, I just wanted to say that. Brazil nuts and those are hard nuts to crack)

Kent, Coca and I went for a walk tonight and we walked behind the EJ stadium. We could hear bats squeaking. At first I though, "Oh Neat!!" Then I got a little weirded out and imagined them attacking us.

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About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.