Saturday, October 22, 2005

I'm sorry you caught me accidentally trying to steal your dog.

I saw a Rat Terrier (dog) that I'd never seen before running around in our neighborhood last weekend. It was cute, but I didn't try to catch it. Of course, the next day I see signs posted all over:

That always happens, every time I decide not to catch a stray dog, I find a sign that someone is missing it. So, I felt bad, but I moved on.
Thursday, I came home from locking up the buildings at work and there was that same Rat Terrier running around the street. So, I decided I would catch it and call her owner. So I parked the car in our driveway, got out, and said:
"Come 'ere, Come on little pup, Come see."
She just stared at me. So, I squatted down and while tapping my leg (which most dogs associate with come) said:
"Awe...come 'ere. Come see. Come on."
She began to wag her tail and look really excited. So, then I decided to clap my hands a few times and call her again:
"Come on!"
That was her cue! She came running towards me. She only got about half way to me though when a man talking on a cordless phone stepped out from behind the bushes by his house. He looked at me (all irritated like), looked at his dog and told her:
"Let's go!"
And the dog ran back with him. I guess it wasn't Roxie.
I waved to the man as I stood up and tried to play it off like I was just trying to be friendly, but he didn't wave back. I guess I would have been pretty mad too if someone was trying to get my dog. Next time I try to catch a dog I'm going to make sure there aren't any people around.
So, anyway, Mr. Down the Street talks on a Cordless phone, I'm sorry you caught me accidentally trying to steal your dog.


Laje Kahr said...

Oh, how embarrassing!
And knowing there is nothing you can say that will make it look right.

Bee-ryan said...


About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.