Friday, January 21, 2005

Here's a joke that never gets old to me!

It does get old to Kent though...
Any time people start saying "OH, have you seen Sideways." "Yeah, it was cool. Have you seen Spiderman 2?" I JUST CAN'T HELP IT! I have to say "You know what's an awesome movie....JURASSIC PARK!" or "Have you seen Jurassic Park? That movie was awesome!" I think it's so funny because that movie is so old and it's just funny to me to be all excited about a movie that old. No one else ever laughs though. I mostly just get looks like no one knows what I'm talking about. I think Stacey A. (well its R. now) laughed at it, but so far, it's the only laugh that joke has gotten. Maybe I need to take it out of the rotation. It cracks me up every time though. I guess it doesn't take much to entertain me.

Okay. Lately I CANNOT CONCENTRATE WHEN I'M POSTING! I just jump from thought to thought. Is it better do make a completely new post or to include it all in one. Anyway...

I'm VERY VERY ticklish. I if my shoe touches the bottom of my foot wrong it tickles me and I kick it off. Sometimes, when I was teaching PE I'd ask Kent if he'd help me take my shoes off because my feet hurt. I'd usually end up grabbing my feet away because I just couldn't take it! I always tell Kent, "If you get the urge to tickle me, just go ahead and poke me in the eye instead, just right in the eyeball. I would rather that than to be tickled." Maybe I'm a "spoil sport" but I can't take it!!! Of course, I'll take any free opportunity to tickle others. :) Maybe I dislike it so, because of what happens when I laugh to much. I get the hiccups. And not just your average, everyday hiccups. They're deep from within the depths of my soul hiccups. They're very loud and hurt my chest every time. My dad gets the same kind. It's weird. He doesn't even like me to mention hiccups around him because he might get them. I really only get them from laughing. I don't mind if I'm having a good time laughing and I get them, but if you're tickling me and I get the hiccupps...big trouble.


Kent said...

I have never laughed at that joke, but it was funny when I read it... probably because I hear her say that after I talk about how wondeful a movie is/was that I recently have seen. So, yes, it gets old :-p

And yes, she's very ticklish. Every now and then, I get a small jokingly-delivered threat. And I quote, "Don't touch my sides, don't touch my feet, and if you tickle me, I'll hurt you!"

Anonymous said...

About the ticklish thing I used to think she was being the drama queen until one day I saw her with my very own eyes (not that I use anyone elses eyes on other occassions) anyway she was alone in her room trying to put on her own slip on shoes and freaking out because her slip-ons were touching the bottom of her feet ...that's when I decided she definitely has a foot disorder ..poor baby! Sorry Jessica, maybe I blew on your feet to much when you were a baby cool them off guys; after having her feet tucked up in those hard Stride Rites all day!
Oh and the hiccups you would think they are not humanly possible but trust me, (there's a couple of words that my annoy too, "trust me") they are so obnoxious anybody with ideas on how to stop hiccups on contact pass it on! That's ok though, because I have a sneeze that burst their ear drums so we might be even there.
Has Jessica shared info on her sneeze ? If you are standing in line in front of her and she sneezes you would think a huge dog like a great Dane creeped up behind you and let out one, just one, loud WOOOF ...I have seen people turn around shell shocked after that sneeze.
One last thing, and then I probably won't be back on for days; ask Jessica about her PROJECTILE vommitting. If she was feeling like she was going to lose it I would have to yell "CLEAR" ......Love you, Jessiquita!

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.