Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I may have already posted about this, but I don't know....

Here are a few things that make me cringe (or punch somebody) when I hear people say them:

  1. Absolutely NUMBER 1 on the list has to be when someone prefaces what they're about to say with "No offense, but..." That does not clear them of all resposibility for what they're about to say. When I hear someone start to say that, I feel like telling them, " You know what, don't even say it because if you have to tell me not to be offended I probably will be."
  2. "Boys will be boys" This is no excuse! If some little boy is pulling someone's hair and the response to his behavior is "Boys will be boys" I think it would be more accurate to say "Boys (or girls) will be obnoxious if you let them do what ever they want!"
People can mispronounce things, use words in the wrong context, or even use words that aren't real (this happens at my office on a regular basis, words that aren't real, that is) and it doesn't bother me. But for some reason those two statements really irk me.
Is there anything that people say that make you all crazy? I'd be interested to hear what they are.


Jessica said...

Maybe I am. I'm sure I say things that annoy people ALL THE TIME. In fact, I know I do, just ask Kentrell. ;) Oh well. :)

Kent said...

words/phrases that irk me:

"Irregardless" -- doesn't exist.

"Less is more" -- i mean, please, you're kidding right? It is not even a complete equation!

"if it happens, it happens" -- how redundant can you be??

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.