Monday, January 24, 2005

It's a good thing..

I like Martha Stuart Living, the magazine.

Kent and I put a deposit on a place. WOO HOO! We move in on Saturday, January 29th. Most excellent. It's a 2 BR, but small, like 850 sqare feet. That' s alright though, we like being close together. I think I'm going to grow tomatoes there. My mom and sister are going to look at a puppy for me tomorrow. If all goes well, I'll put a deposit on it. Oh, what a happy day it will be when I finally get my pup!! I think I'm going to start crocheting it a blanket or a sweater tonight.

Another thing I'm soooooo exited about, is finally being able to use my Magic Bullet when we move in. I was reading the instruction pamphlet yesterday. Guacamole, Smoothies and homemade tomato sauce HERE I COME! I'll probably just start turning everything we eat into smoothies and dips.


Carrie said...

Woohoo...yeah for your own house. Ilike Living as well, I think she will be bigger than ever when she gets out. Let me know how the bullet works out.

Anonymous said...

"Oh happy day" Jessica and Kent are going to be in their own place! Jessica how about a post to have people send you name ideas for your baby puppy. How about Whinne... as in Pooh! Did you get your first issue of Martha yet? Love you!

About Me

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.