Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Kidneys...

All day long I thought I had a kidney infection. But I've been drinking more water than normal. I actually didn't even have any soft drinks yesterday (I'm trying to cut down, I think they're dissolving my bones and teeth). Yet, my sides - like towards my back, lower back - have been aching all day. Now I'm thinking I must just have sore muscles. I went to a Yoga class last night and we did a lot of twisting. Are organs crowded in your body? I mean, are they leaning all over each other? I remember disecting a fetal pig in high school. I had some shoes that were the exact same color and texture as the pig's liver. Every time I wore those shoes I felt like the pig stench was in my nose again....blagh! I didn't wear them much longer after that. Here's something else interesting from high school science. I've actually SEEN my own DNA pattern! I think that's so neat. We did a swab of the inside of our mouths and then put it in a petri dish with that gelatin stuff and then it went in some type of centrifuge. After a while our DNA showed up as a pattern of bars on the gelatin. I've always thought that was really neat. I like science.

1 comment:

BlushingBee00 said...

Cool,you colleted dna from swabbing the inside of your mouths,was you swabbing the inside of your cheeks?Hi im BlushingBee00,im a Russian woman and a nerd,I like dna experiments and also the cheek cell experiment,I do it for a hobbie alot,I have trouble swabbing my cheeks to get enough cells,*Blushes*lol.How did you scrape or swab your cheeks?Post answer on this post on comment or if you want post a picture or video of how you did it,that would help to,thanks bye!

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I'm married to a man, have one baby girl named Julianne and one dog-child named Coca. The man is Professor Longhair.